City Council Meetings-
First Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m. Unless it is a holiday, then the meeting is the following Wednesday.
Contact Lynnette at (218) 380-2970 for booking information. Texting is fine.
Businesses In Town
Jamies on Main End Zone Bar & Grill Chipmunk Square Market- closed
7259 Main Street 7333 Co Hwy 61 7326 Co. Hwy 61
Rutledge, MN 55795 Rutledge, MN 55795 Rutledge, MN 55795
(218)372-3093 (218)372-4481 (218)485-3378
Hanging Out On A Limb Outfitters Blue Sky Electrolysis JR Manufacturing and Sales
PO Box 442 7283 Co Hwy 61 Cty Rd 39
Willow River, MN 55795 Rutledge, MN 55795 Willow River, MN 55795
(218)341-6576 (218)355-8892 (612)685-0727